
Získejte nejnovější zprávy o zabezpečení online transakcí kreditními kartami

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5 Signs of a Suspicious Transaction: Essential Insights for Merchants

5 Signs of a Suspicious Transaction: Essential Insights for Merchants

As a merchant, spotting suspicious transactions is crucial for protecting my business from fraud.

Bob Jenkins.January 20, 2025
How To Check Bin Number?

How To Check Bin Number?

The BIN code check (IIN query) consists of the first 6 digits of a credit card. It tells the checker that the credit card has been issued and the bank has stopped the fraudulent credit card t

Bob Jenkins.January 20, 2025
What Is BIN Number?

What Is BIN Number?

A number is used to identify a card issued by a bank or other financial institution. A BINS is a fulcrum that binds the issuer of the card issued to the transactions on the card.

Bob Jenkins.January 20, 2025
What Is Credit Card Fraud?

What Is Credit Card Fraud?

Although PCI DSS is not mandatory in the United States, it is mandated by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, which is made up of major credit card brands and maintains the

Bob Jenkins.January 20, 2025
How To Reduce Your Online Store Chargeback?

How To Reduce Your Online Store Chargeback?

Chargebacks have become a hot topic in my consulting work. Everyone seems to know how to handle a chargeback. As you can see, the transaction is void. You will only be informed about the fee

Bob Jenkins.January 20, 2025
Why Checking BIN Is Healthy For Your Online Store Transactions?

Why Checking BIN Is Healthy For Your Online Store Transactions?

Many merchants, businesses, and consumers rely on credit and debit cards for their daily transactions. As cards become more popular, so too does the r...

Bob Jenkins.January 20, 2025
Credit Card Fraud Investigation

Credit Card Fraud Investigation

As an e-commerce online company, the last thing you want to think about is credit card fraud affecting your sales and business. Unfortunately, the num...

Bob Jenkins.January 20, 2025

Využijte výhod těchto bezplatných nástrojů k zajištění bezpečnosti vašich online transakcí.

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Když navštívíte naše stránky, služby nebo nástroje nebo s nimi interagujete, můžeme my nebo naši autorizovaní poskytovatelé služeb používat soubory cookie k ukládání informací, které vám pomohou poskytovat lepší, rychlejší a bezpečnější zkušenosti, a pro marketingové účely.

Tento nástroj je poskytován pouze pro informační účely. Přestože je vynaloženo veškeré úsilí k poskytování přesných údajů, uživatelé musí uznat, že tato webová stránka nenese žádnou odpovědnost za jejich přesnost. Pouze vaše banka může potvrdit správné informace o bankovním účtu. Pokud provádíte důležitou platbu, která je časově kritická, doporučujeme nejprve kontaktovat svou banku.